Lara Gear

Three outfits, Three locations, one model, Helloooo Pretoria.

Earlier this year I had the privilege of photographing, one of my favorite models, Lara Gear. With diversity in mind, we set off creating three different looks.

The first one being one of simplicity and seduction.P3080034.jpg

As the sun got lower, the warm glow began to seep between the leaves, we headed outside to brighten things up.

I love being a photographer at moments like this, the image below was taken on a street, nothing fancy but we have the power to make a scene into something exotic.


Our final outfit took us away from the glamour and straight to the work place. Shooting in a business complex is always a tricky situation, as you are waiting for security to chase you away any moment, fortunately this time they simply watched us create magic.


Lots of laughs and goofy moments, which fortunately the camera did not capture made for an incredible afternoon and some amazing images.

Check out Lara gear, not only an incredible model, talented makeup artist but a phenomenal singer.

Check her latest song out:

Beauty is accentuated by talent.

Meghan McCabe Photography

Olympus Brand Ambassador

Thule Brand Ambassador

All images were taken with the Olympus OMD EM-1 Mark II

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