The Alhambra Theatre

The opportunity to explore the once gracious 90-year-old Alhambra Theatre, unused for the past two decades, was a privilege. To explore that theatre with my Olympus simply made it that much better. P8270919.jpg

The Johannesburg suburb of New Doornfontein has developed as a business hub, so the fact that this corner theatre is still standing is quite amazing. The theatre, designed by SV Mann (the architect responsible for Henderson Buildings) was built in 1921 and originally used as a movie house.


Pieter Toerien bought the theatre in 1981, prior to this it was home to many performing arts schools and other organizations. In 1983 Toerien opened another theatre within the complex and named it the Leonard Rayne Theatre. Rayne, an actor, was a significant influence on South African theatre in the early 1900s. The theatre was renamed in 1994 as the Rex Garner Theatre, in recognition of Pieter Torien’s longtime associate.



The Richard Haines Theatre was the third theatre Toerien added to the complex. This 100-seater theatre was added in 1991. Haines, who had passed on the year before, was another actor who made a great contribution to local theatre.



A plethora of shows were performed at this theatre complex before it succumbed to the popularity of television. The final stage production was Nunsense, a musical comedy based on a popular line of greeting cards produced by Dan Goggin in 1985.


Despite the decades-long gap in use, there were a number of props, costumes and other theatrical paraphernalia littered about. At times it felt like the theatre company had left just the day before, a feeling betrayed only by the layer of dust which covered everything.



In a case of “it’s bigger on the inside”, the exterior of the building is deceptively small, while a rabbit warren of passageways, staircases, and rooms honeycomb the complex. Ge turned around getting lost is always a possibility.



In a new lease of life, the theatre is being recreated as a facility encouraging the youth to take an interest in the performing arts, hopefully keeping the legacy of theatre and performance alive for decades to come.


Look out for my next adventure. Coming soon.

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