Muizenberg to Kalk Bay – A scenic walk

And here we are, my last but favorite day of my Cape Town adventure. Exploring in solitude feeds the soul.

The start – Muizenberg beach, home to surfers corner, where no matter what the weather condition you will find surfers, seals and sharks enjoying the water. A busy beach with dramatic weather silhouetted the passing strangers carrying on with their day.


Once an attraction, now a detraction are the Victorian change rooms, their paint chipped and their once bright colors showing neglect.



A beach would be boring without paw prints and curious eyes.


Now for the walk, where to you ask. Kalk Bay, only  7km along a breathtaking coastline. Olympus in hand, the first monument I passed is the Muizenberg train station, officially opened in 1913 and still in use too many commuters and explorers alike.



I decided to follow the coastal route first, with its occasional bench for those needing a rest or simply wanting to pause the world and take in the beauty.


Stone tunnels, each with their own design allow one to venture onto the main road every few km’s.



St James beach was covered in seaweed and mussel shells and the Dale Brook tidal pools reflected the cloudy skies perfectly.



I found the yellow bricked road, well close enough, Yellow daisies line the path and create the perfect reading spot, with coffee of course.



I was introduced to Kalk bay last year and fell rather heavily in love with the quaintness of this little town, the shops, alleyways and of course the harbor. The friendly fishermen and woman keen to tell you all about their catch, while the seals snooze or float around waiting for their next feed.



As mentioned in my previous article, the sea would not be the same without the seagulls and this one seemed rather keen to find out if the camera was secretly going to create something yummy to eat.


After some incredible sushi, It was time to head back. Strolling along the main coastal road allowed me to see many of the historic homes, churches and graveyards while keeping an eye on the whales splashing around.


25.jpgMy heart wanted to stay but home was calling. My plane took off as the sun was setting over the impressive Table Mountain, bidding farewell until my next Cape Town adventure.


All images were taken with the Olympus OMD EM-1 Mark II

Meghan McCabe Photography


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